“Anyone Goes” at These Great Unisex Toilets in Cornwall, UK
It caught me by surprise. There had been two signs on the outside wall: man/woman. But inside – only one set of “loos”!
This was my first unisex public beach toilet experience: pleasant and totally uneventful. At these gender neutral toilets at Gyllingvase beach, I didn’t get the willies…and I definitely didn’t see any willies.
The toilets were nice and clean -traditional toilets, just like at home. No urinals.
Each stall was very private. It was no great shakes, really. At least not in my cubicle!
There was an additional family/baby/disabled toilet. The signs on these made me laugh a little. “This is a baby. This is a toilet”. OK. I see.
In many buildings in Canada, there is a big to-do about creating gender neutral washroom facilities to accommodate trans-gender folk, and there’s a wide variety of pretty hilarious he/she signage for the doors of these “special” rooms.
Why do we make such a fuss about gender neutral washrooms”when we could just build lovely, clean unisex toilet facilities where “anyone goes”, just like these family-friendly loos at Falmouth’s Gyllynvase Beach?
Comments welcome!