TravelYouth Hostels

8 Family Travel Trends for 2018 (Family Fun Canada)

For the past two years, I have been asked to write a short article about the coming year’s predictions in family travel for Family Fun Canada. It’s always so much fun to write these kinds of pieces. For 2018, I found a few quirky trends (including Poshtels and Flytogaphers) and three amazing “new” destinations.

Jordan has always been a hotspot for European tourism, but now, Canadian families who love to travel have developed a taste for the exotic Middle East. Practically speaking, the new Jordan Trail will make it easier for all travellers to discover the beauty of that stunning, historic region.

Of course, Korea is in the limelight with the upcoming Olympics…

and Anguilla – oh, take me there now!

Here is that article. I hope you enjoy!

Helen Earley

Helen Earley is an award-winning lifestyle and travel writer based in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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